



William “Butch“罗 well remembers the early days in the 哈斯克尔钢厂.

今天, 澳门足彩app钢 is rightfully regarded as an industry leader, 采用最先进的技术来交付各种规模的项目, 范围和专业. 这是一种成功的程度,它植根于最卑微的开始.

但是在1980年, 当罗加入哈斯克尔时, 钢铁车间只有几个焊工和钳工,在杰克逊维尔爱迪生街的一个小仓库里,这个仓库曾经是一个旧冰窖的一部分, 佛罗里达. There wasn’t much room to move around, 哪一个, 大家可以想象, made working on large-scale projects rather challenging.

“你可以拿起一根40英尺高的横梁,用它敲掉所有的窗户,因为它太小了,“罗, 现在是商店经理, 笑着回忆.

That humility and hard work paid off.

从那些谦虚的人, 拥挤的条件下, 哈斯克尔钢铁公司已成为业内公认和受人尊敬的钢铁制造领导者. 小仓库不见了, replaced with a top-of-the-line 75,000平方英尺的设施配备了一些当今最先进的技术.

这种稳定, focused growth has enabled 澳门足彩app钢 to produce 10,000 tons of steel each year for its roster of customers.

知道在变化的世界中保持静止会抑制成功, 这种做法非常重视适应行业变化并不断发展,以满足需求日益复杂的日益多样化的客户群的需求. 结果是, 这种做法利用3D建模等关键技术来帮助实现最精确的切割, fabrications and detailings possible, 将数据和规格输入到数控钻床和机器人铜床等高科技机器中.

史蒂夫·吉布森, 自1985年起担任澳门足彩app steel的钢铁制造总监和团队成员, pointed to the robotic coping machine, 哪一个特点是等离子切割机时尚的切割和形状需要一个特定的项目.

Always one to determine the return on investment, Gibson studied his team as it worked on steel stair stringers. 如果没有这台机器,仅仅是开始这个过程就需要一个多小时. The robotic coping machine cut that to only 10 minutes, 在客户需要时间和金钱的环境中为客户节省时间和金钱.

“It is a heck of a time saver, and for us to be competitive, we have to keep investing in new technology,吉布森说。.

正是这种对细节的关注——加上不断改进的愿望——激励着吉布森和罗. 问问任何与澳门足彩app钢合作过的人,他们很可能会告诉你,这对搭档的智慧和专注与任何技术一样有价值.

Gibson和Rowe在钢铁行业拥有超过70年的经验. 每个人都是从实习生开始的,通过亲自动手和专注于手头的任务来学习这门手艺. Through hard work and a litany of successful projects, 他们赢得了客户的好评和澳门足彩app的信任和信心.

Nowhere was this knowledge more on display than with the recent Norwegian Cruise Line Terminal B 迈阿密港项目, 哪一个 required extensive design and fabrication work that called for, 除此之外, columns weighing 55 tons each. 许多碎片太大了,不得不用驳船沿着沿海航道运到最终目的地.

“从长远来看, when it was laying in the shop, I could lay my hand across the toe of the flange, and the toe was wider than my hand,罗说.

Gibson和Rowe都表示,正是澳门足彩app的合作方式导致了项目的成功. The trust the two had in each other, earned over decades of collaboration and cooperation, 在整个设计和施工过程中,帮助钢厂成为有价值的利益相关者.

Theirs is a relationship that fosters efficiency and result.

“布奇和我都知道,我们不需要怀疑对方,因为我们完全信任对方,吉布森说。. “我们合作得很好,因为他知道他不必担心我负责的事情, and I don’t have to worry about things he’s responsible for. It makes for a great partnership and productive environment.”

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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