Daniel McElhaney worked a variety of jobs before gravitating to construction and now is a 澳门足彩app Regional 安全 Supervisor.



'We were taught in the military how to accept everybody for who they are and learn how to talk to people. 哈斯克尔体现了这一点.


大多数人都称他为“安全丹”.” It’s a moniker that fits Daniel McElhaney’s personality and position as a Regional 安全 Supervisor, in which he travels the country auditing safety conditions on 澳门足彩app projects.

“我每天都来上班, 我认为安全,麦克哈尼说, 他是丹佛地区的居民,总部设在该公司的杰克逊维尔, 佛罗里达, 总部. “Our job is to find and identify hazards at job sites so that no one gets hurt badly or killed. 我知道我能在工地找到能伤害别人的东西. Every day I’m proud to strive for a low incident level and the ultimate, zero incidents. 每一份工作都不一样,所以我不停地跳槽.”

McElhaney, 53, 他在加州和科罗拉多州长大,并在军队服役四年, 在沙漠风暴中服役. He was discharged as a sergeant and said his time in the service prepared him for his career.

麦克哈尼说:“我们打败了坏人,回家了。. “我在那里负责防空. 去那里为我们的国家而战是一种荣誉. My military career taught me so much about structure and how to lead a team.”

服兵役后,麦克哈尼做过各种各样的工作. 他开了一辆运钞车,然后开了一辆半挂车. 他在拉斯维加斯当了六年酒保. 他获得了护士助理证书. 最终, a role as a millwright led to the ability to read construction documents and an understanding of the importance of site safety. He has been a construction safety professional since 2006 and a 澳门足彩app team member since 2021.

“在所有这些工作中, 尤其是调酒, I dealt with a large variety of people from CEOs to people coming off the street simply looking for a glass of water,麦克哈尼说. “不同的人,但他们都应该得到同样程度的尊重.”

McElhaney’s routine is usually a jobsite visit that lasts most of a week. 10月在托皮卡的一个食品制造项目中, 堪萨斯, 他会见了现场安全小组,并进行了安全审核, during which he discovered a barricade lacking the proper specifications, made sure cranes and rigging were in order and looked three weeks ahead with the team on upcoming tasks. 然后,他与现场领导一起审查了他的报告.

“在哈斯克尔,每个人都是一样的,”麦克哈尼说. “不同的种族,不同的人. We were taught in the military how to accept everybody for who they are and learn how to talk to people. 澳门足彩app通过接受你是谁体现了这一点. Leading by example is another big takeaway from the military to working here.”

McElhaney said the variety of evaluating a range of job sites kept him engaged, and he has enjoyed his safety career to the extent that he is pursuing a degree at Columbia Southern University in Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene.

麦克哈尼说:“我可以表现得很喧闹. “但哈斯克尔接受了我的面试,接受了我的真实身份. 我相信你雇的老兵越多, the certain pressures that military guys have taken in during wartime is a positive. 这对公司来说是件好事. 我们已经习惯了处理任何事情.”


澳门足彩app proudly employs 退伍军人 of the 美国 Armed Forces and currently employs more than 100 team members who previously served our country. 为了纪念退伍军人节,哈斯克尔.Com本周将每天关注其中的一个. Additionally, 澳门足彩app annually presents each veteran on our team with a special thank you gift.

随着哈斯克尔在美国的迅速发展, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region to meet the needs of new and existing clients, 退伍军人继续发挥着越来越大的作用. Those who have served our nation understand mission, structure, results and accountability. 的y are a perfect fit with 澳门足彩app’s core values of Team, Excellence, Service and Trust.

Are you interested in transitioning from the military to a career with a vibrant, 成长型公司提供几乎无限的机会? 澳门足彩app了解更多信息.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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